Beach Finder - Indonesian Beaches On The Air | IBOTA

Activate an unlisted beach is allowed only to find a sponsors!

Listed beaches here are allowed to be re-activated, and create activation of the unlisted beach is also allowed but only to find a sponsors, Your activation will not be count when the beach is not listed, So work your best to find a sponsors or get in touch with one of the admin.

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Beach name
Reference number

Number Beach Code Beach Name City Province Country Actions
251 YB/SS-B251 Pantai Lowita Kembar PINRANG Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia Activate this beach!
252 YB/LA-B252 Pantai Pelangi Indah Kalianda Lampung Indonesia Activate this beach!
253 YB/KI-B253 Bontang Kuala Bontang Kalimantan Timur Indonesia Activate this beach!
254 YB/JI-B254 Pantai Midodaren TULUNGAGUNG Jawa Timur Indonesia Activate this beach!
255 YB/JB-B255 Pantai Rancabuaya Garut Jawa Barat Indonesia Activate this beach!
256 YB/SG-B256 Pantai Tanjung Taipa Konawe Utara Sulawesi Tenggara Indonesia Activate this beach!
257 YB/RI-B257 Pantai Pasir Koneng Puak Dumai Riau Indonesia Activate this beach!
258 YB/BA-B258 Pantai Heppy Buleleng Bali Indonesia Activate this beach!

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ID Uploader Unregistered Action
7320 YC2NBY YG1DI Remove
7319 YC2FPI YD2AMI Remove
7318 YC2FPI YB0NIU Remove
7317 YC2FPI YD3ARC Remove
7316 YD2FCM YD3CVR Remove
7315 YD2FCM YD0JDX Remove
7314 YD2FCM YD0SCG Remove
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7312 YD2FCM YC2BRP Remove
7311 YD2FCM YH2AI Remove

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New Beaches

Beach Name Code Country Actions
Pantai Heppy YB/BA-B258 Indonesia Activate this beach!
Pantai Pasir Koneng Puak YB/RI-B257 Indonesia Activate this beach!
Pantai Tanjung Taipa YB/SG-B256 Indonesia Activate this beach!
Pantai Rancabuaya YB/JB-B255 Indonesia Activate this beach!
Pantai Midodaren YB/JI-B254 Indonesia Activate this beach!


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