Pantai Midodaren - Indonesian Beaches On The Air | IBOTA

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Pantai Midodaren merupakan objek wisata yang berada di Jawa Timur, tepatnya di Tulungagung. Keindahan pantai ini begitu memukau sehingga banyak diminati wisatawan luar dan dalam negeri.
Salah satu daya tarik Pantai Midodaren adalah tebing yang tinggi dan banyaknya rerumputan serta karang-karang tajam.

Latitude: -8.2575916 Sponsored on: 2024-06-13
Longitude: 111.7782826 Expires on: 2025-06-13
City: TULUNGAGUNG Beach number: 254
Province: Jawa Timur Sponsored by: YB3GLL
Country: Indonesia Add new comment
Program Code: YB/JI-B254

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Rating : (5 Stars)
Total Vote : 14

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Activation Active

Activator Province/ State Country Date and Time Activation
YB3GLL Jawa Timur Indonesia 2024-06-23 - 10.00 Detail
YE3AIY Jawa Timur Indonesia 2024-06-23 - 10.00 Detail
YE3AIZ Jawa Timur Indonesia 2024-06-22 - 10.00 Detail
YB3YLT Jawa Timur Indonesia 2024-06-22 - 10.00 Detail
YF3BLY Jawa Timur Indonesia 2024-06-23 - 10.00 Detail
YB3GR Jawa Timur Indonesia 2024-06-23 - 10.00 Detail
YE3BVN Jawa Timur Indonesia 2024-06-22 - 10.00 Detail
YG3AJL Jawa Timur Indonesia 2024-06-23 - 10.15 Detail
YB3CVV Jawa Timur Indonesia 2024-06-22 - 10.15 Detail
YC3CYK Jawa Timur Indonesia 2024-06-23 - 14.15 Detail


YE3AIZ - 2024-06-13 - 15:00:12

Terima kasih YB3GLL atas bimbingannya

YB3DCS - 2024-06-13 - 15:22:54

Selamat ngIbota kawan....NDXC the best

YB3GEH - 2024-06-13 - 15:24:21

NDXC Bojonegoro suport Ibota Pantai Midodaren....

YB3HVG - 2024-06-13 - 15:25:41

NDXC Lamongan tetep cmangat.......happy happylah kawan.....

Sukses Ibota NDXC
YD3GLC - 2024-06-13 - 15:27:23

Sukses Ibota NDXC....

to Team NDXC
YG3BVE - 2024-06-13 - 15:29:40

Tetap semangat....activatore Penegak kabeh.....siap pemain cadangan dan terima ilmunya

Sukses Ibota NDXC
YE3DDY - 2024-06-13 - 15:32:25

Tetep NgiBOTA sambil plesiran......suskes NDXC

Sukses Ibota NDXC
YG3AJL - 2024-06-13 - 15:34:47

Tetep hadir dan belajar sama senior YB3GLL...mantab NDXC

YD3CKV - 2024-06-13 - 15:36:22

Pengalaman ke dua ngeDXPortable...yang penting Happy

YG3BRD - 2024-06-13 - 15:37:48

Terima kasih YB3GLL atas ilmunya dan pengalamanya beribota dengan NDXC

NDXC is always the best
YF3BLY - 2024-06-13 - 17:04:45


YF3BLY - 2024-06-14 - 15:48:54


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